What’s the first thing you tell people about your sister?   “She is a force of nature. She’s like the sun. I’m like the moon.”   Is that pretty accurate?   “I would say so, yeah. We are pretty opposite but we are sooo…we are sisters. We do the dwee
  What is your sister’s superpower?   “She will have these ideas….like really grand ideas. She’ll know what the dresses look like and what people are wearing. She can make it all. Then she throws it away like it’s trash and has a new idea. It never s
  How does it feel to hear her say nice things about you?   “Ahhh!!! It’s reaffirming and life is great. Because this is literally how I think of her.”  “There’s so much reverence…I hate that word…but reverence of the little sister looking up to the
  Y’all are essentially raising kids together, right?   “Yes. And I think we co-parent pretty sick together.”  “I travel a lot for work and I always have. But ever since I got divorced I’ve had my mom, our youngest sister and a variety of nannies and
  What about the messier parts of parenting like discipline or interpersonal issues?   “We share a lot of the successes. The kids act so differently around each of us. Our personalities are so different that what works for me wouldn’t necessarily wor
  What have you learned from each other that you’ve applied to other parts of your life?   “The understanding that people are so different. Because we are so different…so freaking different! We coexist fine, we love each other. Knowing that, when peo
  OK, kids’ turn! Y’all seem to get along pretty well. Do you ever fight?   “Yes!”  About what?  “Who gets to watch what…or who has to do dishes.”  “Sometimes we do rock-paper-scissors for who does dishes, and if I win he says “TWO OUT OF THREE!”
  Is sharing hard for y’all?   “We don’t share very much. He’s usually watching his computer, and I’m watching TV.”  “Actually, remember that time we shared the remote?”  “Oh yeah, when we took turns?”  “It worked out OK.”
  How does it feel to be the older brother?   “Slightly harder.”   What makes it harder?   “My sister never listens to me.”   Do you ever listen to him?   “Only when it’s important to her.”  “First of all… I wasn’t even staring!”  “Yes you were!”   W
  Who is sillier?   “HER!”  “HIM!”   Why do you say that?   “Because she doesn’t know as much as I do.”  “Because he makes really funny voices.”
  When you’re older do you think you’ll live close to each other like your mom and aunt?   “Probably not.”  “You never know.”
  What’s the best thing about having siblings?   “I don’t know.”  “They get you birthday presents.”  “The companionship. No one knows how crazy your parents are like your siblings. No one can relate or have that shared experience. We didn’t have a lo
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