Hey, it’s National Sibling Day! In honor of the occasion I’m celebrating two of my muses for Sibling Revelry Project: my beloved, knucklehead brothers. They were the very first ones to teach me how to embrace all things siblinghood.
I’m the middle child, and despite what you may have heard, I inherited only the best qualities of a typical middle child. Ahem. We are all three close in age and spirit, and we spent many years sharpening our negotiation skills, building secret forts and having complicated splash fights.
Thanks to my brothers, I am a tougher, funnier and more charming human. I also have a better music collection. And finally—and this is no small thing—they eventually gave me the sisters I always wanted, along with nieces and nephews who I adore. I owe them a ton!
So on this National Sibling Day I’m looking back at old photos and reimagining them as if they were part of my current Sibling Revelry Project. Enjoy!
Which brother is more fun right now?
“I don’t know. One stole my favorite teddy bear and chases me with the water hose, and the other lets me hold him like a baby doll.”
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis4 #Thisis2 #Thisis6months
Who’s the favorite child?
“What?? Me!”
“Y’all go right ahead and believe that.”
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis6 #Thisis4 #Thisis3
What’s a typical Saturday like for y’all?
“Sitting at each other’s games for HOURS and begging our parents to buy us Fun Dip from the concession stand.”
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis10 #Thisis8 #Thisis7
Do y'all think you look alike?
“People say we do. ALL THE TIME. I think it would help if we didn’t have the same haircut. But I asked Mom for a Dorothy Hamill and now look at us.
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis11 #Thisis9 #Thisis8
How do you like having your own rooms?
“It’s great! We haven't seen each other in a week!”
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis18 #Thisis16 #Thisis15
What do y'all have in common?
“We all reeeaaally love that new band Nirvana.”
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis21 #Thisis19 #Thisis18
You all go to college together. How’s that working out?
“Awesome. They are great study buddies.”
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis23 #Thisis21 #Thisis20
What are you thinking about right now?
“That time when we were kids and he shot me in the arm with a BB gun…”
“You have GOT to let that one go.”
#siblingrevelryproject #Thisis43 #Thisis42 #Thisis41
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