When I started creating Sibling Revelry Project, I decided to make the photos black and white to give the many families and stories a sense of continuity and to emphasize the people and expressions over anything else. For the most part I’m happy with that decision, but every now and again I do a shoot where the colors are so striking that I almost hate to convert the images.
My last session was a perfect example. I mean, look at this light! Look at that red hair! It seems a crime not to show the girls’ natural coloring.
So I’m curious…does seeing this one image in color change how you think of the whole story?
Let’s try a few others. Do you remember theses from previous stories? Click on each of these photos and it will take you back to their original post.
What do you think when you compare the black and white vs. color images? I would love to hear your thoughts…consider it a completely unscientific/artistic/social experiment!
P.S. Speaking of social experiment…if I ask you directly, are you more likely to sign up for my mailing list? Does it matter if I say please? If you’re game, leave your email in the pretty box below. Thanks!